Ashley Allstun
With over 20 years of experience with Dobermans, Ashley Allstun has a deep love and understanding for the breed. Establishing Elitehaus in 2013, she set out to create the “Total Doberman”. Placing extreme value on each quality, and not just cherry picking one or two, she has combined superior conformation, temperament, working ability, and health.
With a love of both working lines and show lines, Ashley understands that both types have a lot to offer this breed, and both have a place within her program. From shows to trials, each breeding dog is put to the test before becoming a breeding candidate. This ensures not only good health through extensive health testing, but sound minds and temperaments which are equally important and often overlooked.
Pups born on this 5 acre farm are handled and socialized from day one. They are integrated into the daily routine on the farm, exposure to a variety of animals, new people, small children, and acres of open fields to roam help develop puppies into well behaved and confident dogs.