Booking your Trip
Below is our guide to help walk you through the transport process. In this page you will see how our pricing works, the next steps to take, what is needed for the trip, what to expect once the journey gets started and some FAQs.
Our price is based off of one way trip mileage from the locations you provide in the Book a Trip form (at the bottom of this page). If you haven't already please check out our Pricing page below to calculate the cost for your trip.
Next Steps
This should be used as an outline so you know what to expect and to help guide you through our booking process. Below you will see the list of next steps :
1. Review this Outline & then fill out the form using the BOOK TRIP button below.
2. Wait to be contacted by Delifurry..or just give us a call!! 877-335-4387
3. Upon completion of the BOOK TRIP form, you will be contacted by us and also will receive our contract and invoices for the trip. .
4. Receive, REVIEW & Sign the Contract through the link in the email.
5. Receive & Pay Deposit Invoice using link in invoice.
6. Prepare for Trip on what's needed from each party.
7. The week leading up to the Pickup Date look for a group message from The Delifurry Team for specific scheduling details.
8. Prior to pickup the final invoice is required to be paid, please review and pay this before the estimated pickup time.
9. Sit Back & Watch the Video/Picture updates of the trip.
Signed Contract
Health Certificate from Vet within 10 days of pickup date
Food for 3-5 days to ensure no issues during the trip & transition period for new homes
List of belongings going with Pet(s) to ensure adequate room (ideally a picture)
Emergency contact for backup/scheduling issues
Signed Contract
Fully Paid Invoice prior to Pickup
Below is what to expect from us during the trip:
1. Picture and video updates every 4-6 hours.
2. Door to door service
3. 24/7 supervision of your pet while they are on board.
4. No paws on the ground rule for pups that do not have all vaccinations.
5. Exercise and potty breaks every 4 to 6 hours that your
fully vaccinated dog is on board
6. Access to Filtered water 24/7
7. Regular routine eating schedule
8. SO SO much love during every interaction
How Long Will My Pet Be On Board?
- Economic transport places your pet on board with other animals anywhere between 1-5 days depending on the distance of the trip. This will be discussed with you by a Delifurry L.L.C. representative when a quote is given out.
- Private transport has your pet on board for 1-3 days depending on the distance of the trip. This is straight through transport from pickup to drop off anywhere in the continental United States.
How Will My Pets Be Kept Clean?
- Delifurry L.L.C. makes stops every 4-6 hours and will clean and disinfect cages as accidents are made to ensure the safest cleanest environment this time. Pull out catch trays are utilized and will keep all liquid waste matter off of your pet. Drivers are on board with the animals 24/7. So when number two time comes it will be disposed of immediately as it is in the best interest of the team on board and the best service to the pet.
How Many Other Animals will be on Board With My Pet During Economic
- Your pet will ride with 2-6 other animals or animal families while it is on board. Delifurry L.L.C. does not believe in stacking numerous animals on one vehicle like other transporters. Delifurry believes that fewer animals on board with the best quality of service in the industry is the best way to transport pets.
Are You Actually USDA Registered and Insured
- Delifurry L.L.C. is USDA registered and insured and will provide documentation of both upon request.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out! We hope that this proposal has been informative and we so look forward to helping you with your pets trip!!