Dylan McCain
Dylan McCain
Hey guys! I’m Dylan. I’m a founder and managing member of Delifurry Pet Transport.
I know I have met a lot of you throughout our transports together. But to those of you that I have not had the privilege of meeting yet, I’d like to introduce myself.
I was born in Royse City, Texas on the family ranch. My family has raised dogs, cats, and horses ever since I can remember. I have shoveled more horse poop, cleaned more kitty litter boxes, and loved on more puppies than most people would in 50 lifetimes.
After high school, I went to Henderson State University, where played baseball and got my degree in Biology. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at HSU. I made both awesome memories and lifelong friends there.
After college, I began my professional career at an HVAC sales rep company. I learned the ins and outs of customer service at this awesome company and worked with amazing people. At this point, pet transport was more of something I did on the weekends but did not do full time yet.
Then something changed around the beginning of 2021. Me and my family realized that good transport is hard to come by. Quite frankly, we couldn’t trust anyone with our own puppies and kittens due to all of the horror stories regarding transport in the animal industry and knew that others felt the same. So we started Delifurry to give all breeders and animal lovers a reliable option so that their furbabies can get to their new homes safely and in a loving manner!
In June of 2021 I went full time with Delifurry and have been an animal man ever since. It has been quite the journey but so rewarding.
Starting a business is difficult. It’s a trek full of peaks and valleys. But I wouldn’t change it for the world! I have met some of the most awesome animals and people while at Delifurry.
I’m 2022, my best friend and business partner Skyler even came aboard and we have been able to do what we have always dreamed of! Grow a business that we know is leaving a lasting impact on this earth.
Words are limited for posts on here, so I’ll leave with this.
Thank you all so much for supporting us. It means more to us than you will ever know!